Revathi is all set to start work on her first feature film in Malayalam as the director. The multi faceted actor-turned-director impressed all as a director with her very first feature film, ‘Mitr-My Friend' which won the Best English Film of the year award at the 49th National film awards. Later Revathi directed ‘Phir Milenge’ in Hindi in 2004, starring Abhishek Bachchan, Salman Khan and Shilpa Shetty, on the subject of AIDS.
Now she is readying her first Malayalam film. Her first in Malayalam is ‘Makal,' which will be one of the films within ‘Kerala Cafe’. ‘Kerala Cafe’ is a Malayalam anthology film produced by Renjith and directed by a team of 10 directors.
Revathi says she and Anjali Menon are working on the script and casting. Once the producer says he is ready the shoot will begin. It’s likely that Revathi will announce the film by Vishu in April.
Now she is readying her first Malayalam film. Her first in Malayalam is ‘Makal,' which will be one of the films within ‘Kerala Cafe’. ‘Kerala Cafe’ is a Malayalam anthology film produced by Renjith and directed by a team of 10 directors.
Revathi says she and Anjali Menon are working on the script and casting. Once the producer says he is ready the shoot will begin. It’s likely that Revathi will announce the film by Vishu in April.
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